After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.6.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- Special action for resolving a cyclical dependency in the live plan
- User feedback when clicking on a mail link (status transition)
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.6.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- Automatic sending of reminder emails in the event of an n-minute delay in the start of the task
- Saving and restoring filter settings across views
- Historization of user group changes with own report
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.5.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- Bulk operations for live tasks, such as setting the status DONE for all tasks where the corresponding master task has already been deleted
- Extension of the mail placeholders to include %LIVE_PLAN% and %LIVE_PLAN_DESC%
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.4.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- The current version of master/live tasks is listed in the planning activity and execution activity reports
- After creating a master/live plan, a dialog with further information is displayed
- A smaller font size can be set for tables in the user customizations
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.3.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- Bulk operations for deleting downtimes
- When synchronizing tasks, the fix timestamp can be automatically adjusted to the difference between the start timestamp of the master plan and the live plan
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.2.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- User-specific access protection to master plans using the "User allocation" function
- When a user is deactivated, their session is automatically deleted, which results in the user being logged out
- When saving a live task, a task owner can directly select the next status action (start, postpone or done), which is executed at the same time as saving
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.1.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- A user can reset their password independently via the "Forgot password" process
- The statistics overview can be filtered
- User groups can be created without a user AND a mail address, which is particularly helpful when creating generic plans
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v2.0.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:
- New user interface for a better and more modern user experience
- Responsive design (optimized for large monitors with a high screen resolution)
- Forward and backward navigation within the task history view
The decision has been made, we will completely renew the user interface of our CutoverManager to create a better and more modern user experience. At the same time, we will also implement a responsive design, which will be especially useful for large monitors with a screen resolution of 4K.Release
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v1.15.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:- New Live Labels view, which clearly displays the labels associated with a Live Plan
- The associated master plan is displayed in the change view of a master task/label
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v1.14.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:- Tasks can be defined as interruptible, which means that they are not processed in one piece, but over several consecutive periods of time between downtimes
- The calculation of the end times can be seen in the cockpit views
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v1.13.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:- Saving file attachments to a master/live task
- Sending the file attachments by mail
- New (quick) filter "Chain" in the Master/Live Cockpit and Gantt Chart
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v1.12.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:- Sending a deviation/individual mail
- Export and import users and downtimes
- When exporting a master plan (JSON), all associated users are exported as well
We have been continuously working on improving our products. Accordingly, today we have released our new bugfix release v1.11.1 from the CutoverManager.All changes and detail improvements can be found here.
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v1.11.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:- Selective adaptation of the role concept (customer feedback) for a stronger integration of the TASK_RECEIVER
- Merging of the gantt chart and phase plan
- Technical users
A role concept primarily serves the security aspect. Nonetheless, the roles should be tailored as closely as possible to the specific requirements of the users according to their role and to enable cooperative collaboration.Accordingly, we looked at our roles in detail and went through various requirements and use cases. We prioritized the findings directly as requirements for the next version of #CutoverManager and have already implemented some of them.
These include (snippet):
- The role TASK_RECEIVER is now also allowed to view the master plan with associated tasks
- All roles that do not have write access to a master task are still allowed to change the description text if they are responsible for this task
- All roles that do not have write access to a live task may nevertheless, if they are responsible for this task, store an execution comment and progress in percent
The next feature of the CutoverManager is implemented. Look forward to the merging of the gantt chart and phase plan views. This means that from now on the user can decide for himself which elements he wants to see and thus choose any combination of tasks, milestones and phases.Feature
The development of our next CutoverManager version has already started. Again we want to implement a combination of customer feedback and new features.The following requirements are already implemented:
- Technical users, which do not require a mail address, first and last name
- Export and import of downtimes via JSON
We would like to further simplify the introduction to our tool and offer an example cutover plan for download. In addition to the planning of a barbecue party, the task descriptions also briefly describe the main features and how to use them.User manual
Our 80-page user manual is now also available in English.Release
After several pre-announcements and posts about our new features, we are very pleased to release our new version v1.10.0 today. Included in it are these functionalities, among others:- Communication with surrounding systems via messaging (RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ)
- Export master plan in JSON
- Bulk operations for deleting, deactivating and changing roles of multiple users simultaneously
This week we have finished another feature "Exporting a master plan". After we had put more focus on an easy switch from existing plans to the CutoverManager in the last versions, which resulted in various upload/import functions, we have now also focused on the export.Consequently, master plans can now be exported (technically in JSON) and thus archived at the customer's site. At any later point in time, these plans can then be imported back into the CutoverManager using the import functions that already exist.
Every tool used in a company should be able to be integrated into the customer's existing system landscape in the best possible way in order to enable individual business processes based on the features of the tool. Accordingly, the CutoverManager will offer a machine-to-machine (M2M) interface via messaging as a new feature in the next version 1.10.0.As a result, the CutoverManager retains sovereignty in the orchestration of tasks, but the processing, feedback and notification can be extended/individualized on a customer-specific basis.
Examples are:
- Connection of job scheduling tools (e.g. UC4 (Automic)) for a high degree of automation. Particularly advantageous for recurring topics such as release planning/implementation.
- Extension of notification channels to include, for example, SMS and communication platforms (e.g. Slack, MS Teams, etc.)
- More comprehensive dashboards and statistics aggregated from multiple sources
In our next version10/ 1/0 we again simplify the loading of existing plans into the CutoverManager. As a result, user groups can now also be fully specified in the master plan JSON. This not only eliminates a loading step, but also significantly simplifies the technical migration.2021
The CutoverManager is NOT affected by the vulnerability. The library used to write logs is logback.Feature
The first feature for the next version is already implemented. We are expanding our bulk operations for user management.In the future, the following use cases will be much easier to realize:
- Change the roles of multiple selected users at the same time
- Set multiple selected users active or inactive at the same time
- Delete multiple selected users at the same time
We are very pleased to release our new version 1.9.0 today. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Feature
Since often only a subset of all users, user groups and labels occur in a plan, only these should be available in the filter selection option.Accordingly, we now perform pre-filtering, which both increases usability and readability and improves loading speed.
In opposite to the technical key, a business key is unique across system boundaries and is managed and maintained by the user.A task can therefore also be supplemented outside the CutoverManager – in another system – with further details, such as graphics, scripts, passwords, etc. Consequently, in the next version, a subject-specific key can be maintained directly on the task.
Responsible and informed users are displayed with their username in all tabular overviews so far. We have adjusted this non-configurable display in the next version.Accordingly, each user can choose the optimal user display format for himself in his settings.
Within only one month, the requirements of our customers and interested parties have been fully implemented and tested. Accordingly, we are very pleased to release our new version 1.8.0 today. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Feature
Master plans can be merged in the CutoverManager. Therefore, it is only logical to also enable the splitting of a master plan into two plans. We have included this requirement in the next version and are already working on its implementation.Release
We are very pleased to release our new version 1.7.0 of the CutoverManager today. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Dienstleistung
Our Software as a Service (SaaS) service is available. Upon request, LEXMAIR Solutions will gladly take over full operational/hosting responsibility for you, so that you can focus 100% on your cutover/go-live.License
New free license variant up to a maximum of 40 tasks. Get to know the CutoverManager even easier and faster now.Release
The version 1.6.1 of the CutoverManager is released. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Release
The version 1.6.0 of the CutoverManager is released. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Feature
Another useful function, the substitute mode, has been implemented. This makes it possible to temporarily replace a responsible user (e.g. for a dress rehearsal or in case of illness) by his/her substitute without changing the master plan.Feature
Für den CSV-Upload stellen wir ab sofort ein Export-Makro bereit, welches Ihnen die richtige Konvertierung in unsere CSV-Spezifikation abnimmt. Probieren Sie es gerne aus und beladen Sie damit unsere Demoversion.Feature
The CSV upload requirement has been extended. In the version 1.6.0 it is now possible to upload user groups and tasks.2020
The version 1.5.0 of the CutoverManager is released. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Release
The version 1.4.0 of the CutoverManager is released. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Feature
As business requirements in version 1.4.0, it is planned to implement extensive reporting functions and to store informed users/groups at a task.Release
The version 1.3.0 of the CutoverManager is released. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Feature
Look forward to another feature downtimes (e.g. holidays, rest periods etc.) in version 1.3.0 of the CutoverManager. Development has already started.Feature
The development of the CutoverManager version 1.3.0 has started. Among other things, requirements are implemented, which show overruns of working hours and the data quality of a plan.2019
The version 1.2.0 of the CutoverManager is released. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.Feature
The development of the CutoverManager version 1.2.0 has started. Among other things, requirements are implemented which allow user-specific customization.Release
The version 1.1.0 of the CutoverManager is released. All changes including the features and detail improvements can be found here.